Thought about going to see a practitioner to help your child's eczema? Been put off because you don't know what they actually do, or if it would work, or even the cost of 1-2-1 sessions?
What if I told you I could help you for free? Keep reading for details of how to get my help for your little one.
We are so used to the benefit of free health care that we often don't know what alternatives are out there. For chronic conditions this is where natural therapies come into their own, they often help people find ways to cope with the day to day challenges of living with eczema. I know this is what I found.
I was fed up of feeling greasy every day, no one else had to feel like this in their clothes just to have their skin not fall off! I set about finding new ways to help my eczema and every day I just get better and better.
My mission is to help as many families as possible to understand how they can take control of eczema. Now as a naturopath I want to make sure that everyone has access to information about eczema and how they can try and get to the root to make changes in their life which will make an impact. I have created the Eczema Education Hour which is access to me up to 3 hours per week on a group video call.
So if you have questions about eczema I have the answer for you!
If you aren't sure about it I am giving you access to 4 of my calls FREE OF CHARGE, what have you got to lose?
My calls run on the following days:
Monday 9pm GMT
Wednesday 4pm GMT
Thursday 10am GMT
(more calls may be added depending on demand)
Each call will be an opportunity to learn about eczema and there will be a Q&A session for you to ask those burning questions!
You can use your free calls when you like and if you find this service helpful you can subscribe for continued support for just £30 per month which will give you access to unlimited calls per month! No contract, you just cancel when you like :)
If you don't want to subscribe you can join any call for just £10 when ever you like :)
Rebecca, I love it, how do I get my free access?
Simple, just head to my website www.rebeccabonneteau.co.uk and subscribe. You will get an email with your 4 codes where you can get yourself booked to start your education ;)
I look forward to chatting to you x