The Eczema Expert Community
Giving parents the support they need and deserve while learning to take control of eczema naturally.

What we do
We are a non profit, community of members supporting one another as we move away from the reliance on medication to suppress eczema symptoms. Rebecca's vision was, first and foremost, to support and educate parents who are trying to get to the root of their child's eczema. However we welcome anyone who wants to educate themselves to improve their health and move away from medication!
The path to taking control of eczema is not a short one, making support the number one thing you need on this journey. Rebecca and her team deliver this in bucket loads!
Rebecca's priority was to set up a network of parents who all wanted to learn and support one another. She has stated that, “As a practitioner, I can’t be there to hold each member’s hand each day, though I wish I could, so the community I have created is at the centre of my work. Members who are further along this journey are now giving hope to the newer members, it’s beautiful to see when a dream becomes reality.”
Our membership is based around our 3 pillars of support, with the foundation being education. We believe that everyone should be responsible for their own health and we are here to help those who want that to be their reality.
Our founder
Rebecca Bonneteau N.D is a practitioner who understands the trauma of living with chronic eczema, as she was born with it.
You just want to make it all better for them...
You wonder if it will ever end?
What did you do to deserve this?
What did they do to deserve this?
When will you finally be able to sleep through the night again?
You are torn between anger and sadness when you hear the scratching...
"I want to give young kids and parents hope. I have managed to take control of my eczema and retrained as a Naturopath to enable me to help parents like you. It can be a lonely, desperate place and parents often feel alone because no one truly sees the torture a family goes through on a daily basis trying to control the itch. I wanted to create a haven for families to learn, and get the support they need to truly live free of the shackles of eczema"

How we help
We support members by helping them to make changes to their topical support routine, while doing this Rebecca will do a full family health analysis to explain what the root of the problem is. Once members understand where to put their focus they are able to support their family to make the changes required to truly address the root of the problem for them.
The root of the problem is slightly different for everyone, so while there are a number of elements in common for many there is no one approach that will fix the eczema for all. Sorry to break that to you but this is why we educate you so you know what you are doing and why!
Members of our community enjoy a number of benefits to truly support them on their journey to health freedom. It is FREE to become a member of our community to experience a proportion of what is on offer, then should you choose to take the next steps we have our Supported Membership available where your full health analysis will be completed.
We have a dedicated team all with personal experience of taking control of eczema naturally to guide and support you. You can meet our amazing team below.
What our members want you to know...

Receive our detox bath guide
Complete the details to join our mailing list and receive a free download with our guide to natural topical support you can start to use to take control of eczema naturally.
Our 3 pillars of support
We support members to take control of eczema by using our 3 pillar approach, most people just focus on topical support, we not only help with the internal root of the problem but critically the emotional support. In our experience without all three in play taking control can seem impossible.
Emotional Support
Hardly anyone addresses this pillar, and yet it is the most important of them all if we truly want to take control. We recognise that living with eczema in the family is a trauma for every family member. We support you to release those emotions and let them go!
Topical Support
​When the skin is broken it's important that we work to support it's repair, to prevent infections for example. We show you how to choose remedies to topically soothe the skin at each stage of the healing cycle, because we all know one cream doesn't work the whole time!​
Internal Support
​This pillar is addressing the deeper root, we help show you how you can use diet, herbs, and other remedies to address the underlying issues. We empower you by teaching you why you are making these changes so that you learn and can apply this knowledge to other situations.